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Lifetime Analytics


Lifetime Analytics was created by senior executives with marketing and business experience in the telecom industry and advanced data analytics product design.


We believe that focusing on the development of more efficient customer lifetime management tools is a fundamental challenge for telecom executives and marketing teams in order to better retain customers and maximize customer revenue.





Frédéric Beauvais


​Frédéric has over 25 years of experience in the TMT industry in a variety of roles, from investor to consultant and board member.

At Lifetime Analytics, Frédéric’s role is to apply industry knowledge and expertise to the
development of innovative tools to master churn and optimize the value of customer relationships.



Florent Wolff


Florent has 15+ years of experience in telecom operator growth acceleration and churn improvement programs. Florent’s role is to ensure that whole organizations adopt efficient churn management practices.



Julien Cabot


Julien has 20+ years of experience in digital product technology and data analytics across various industries, including capital markets, automotive retails and public transportation.

At Lifetime Analytics, Julien’s role is to turn complexity and sophistication into simple and efficient solutions.

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